Toxic synonyms with hazardous, poisonous, venomous, virulent, noxious, dangerous, destructive, harmful, unsafe, malignant, injurious, pestilential, pernicious, environmentally unfriendly, but always being relate with chemical class. How toxic and what is the hazards of the toxic, what suppose to do to mitigate the toxic hazards, or to lower the risk or impact of any toxic related incidents, always and suppose to be mentioned in any Chemical Datasheet. Toxic People, have heard that? Yeah, after googling this post is really worth to read about. Have been knowing about toxic people since my working days. My third Employer would send all his new intake senior and junior management staff to the so called Personal Development and Leadership course. One of the course content is how to handle toxic treatment or so called negative feedback or thinking. Anyway, most of...
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