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Wow, A Year Since I Wrote Something

Year 2017 was the time I used to write to kill my boredom.
I had a job which requires me to stay near to worksite and been given workers' camp to stay.

It just as exciting as other Projects used to be, but I retired from the job position immaturely due to better opportunity.

Year 2018 started with me taking up assignment leading in setting up QMS of an organization in trasition.

Under this assignment, I upgraded myself to the Weekend Husband title which far more better than previous Fortnight/Monthly Husband.

Weekend husband or Father is not so cool especially having two growing kids.

Signing out now as need to attend to my kids' request, oh yes, due to this exciting new job provides more predictable work schedule, I grabbed the opportunity to be the father at home daily.

They are with me now, moving in together to our new home, my own used to be self sanctuary.

Alright, I will owe myself writing another stories now, Good night.

Hope to write more soon.


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